“We had our kitchen, several bathrooms and a fireplace all cut and installed by PB Stone Works. To say that we are pleased with the end result is an understatement. Peter is extremely knowledgable and professional and goes above and beyond for his clients. He takes great pride in his work and it shows. His highly skilled team did a meticulous job with all of the installations and everything was done in a timely manner. Thanks to PB Stoneworks we truly love our new home and highly recommend them!!”
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Peter Brooks
Peter Brooks, has a background in the financial sector, as he worked on Wall Street in New York City for several years. Peter initially became involved in the operation twenty years ago as a favor, helping out on the financial end of the business. “I had the opportunity to be the controller, and I always wanted to run my own business,” he said. “My financial background was helping on the business side, but I had a desire to work on the fabrication side; to examine the workflow and downscale a corporate structure that would fit this business.”
Ultimately, Peter agreed to take over the company and left his position in the financial field. “I saw this as a long-term opportunity, and I made the jump,” he said, adding that he steadily created a business structure for the operation. “It began with simple things like staff meetings,” he said.
In developing Peter Brooks Stone Works’ company philosophy, Peter sought to take a different approach than many fabrication shops. “One aspect that helped us differentiate ourselves was that we began with a business approach, as opposed to beginning with the labor,” he said. “Our estimating is very in-depth, and it involves cost analysis. This has really helped us with some of the specialized jobs we have done. I’m not a low-cost competitor. I want to be competitive in terms of price, but we also offer value, and that comes in terms of service. Sometimes, it is just something simple, like polishing the overhangs.”
In Peter’s spare time he enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters as well as riding his Peloton and training for Triathlons.